The Rhode Island Retreads is a chapter of the Retreads Motorcycle Club International, Inc. which is affiliated with the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Charter 3233. Its members are mature motorcycle enthusiasts (singles and couples) having attained 40 years of age or more; hence the name “RETREADS (XL Plus).”
Other than the age requirement of 40+, the club’s only other membership requirements are a fondness for motorcycles (whatever make or model) and a desire to meet and ride with a friendly and caring motorcycle family of friends.
The name Retreads comes from the name given vehicle tires which were used during World War II. Retreading (putting new treads on used tires) was a process that permitted many civilians during those war years to continue using their vehicles when their tires wore out. New tires were very hard, if not impossible, to get during those rationing days.
Most of us began our motorcycling years back when we were young. When we got married and started raising a family, or went on to college and started our livelihood, many of us had no time or money available for such luxuries as motorcycles. However, once the children were well on their own, education was completed, and free time and more money was available, our thoughts of motorcycles, which we loved so much, returned. So in this way, WE were “RETREADED.”
The Retreads is basically a fellowship club. Our common interest in motorcycles, and club encouragement of participation in all aspects of the motorcycle world, leads to many new friendships. Club activities are as varied as the Retread members themselves. Visits between members take place, personal friendships are made and events are planned. Activities range from local breakfasts and get togethers, to area, regional and international events. Most States and Provinces put out a monthly newsletter to keep members informed of the various upcoming and past activities and events.
Membership in the Retreads lasts as long as you wish (Once a Retread, always a Retread). There are no established dues or fees for membership. However, a minimum annual membership donation of $20.00 per person or $25.00 per couple upon joining or renewing is requested. These donations help cover the cost of club operation, such as membership registration cards, monthly newsletters and other mailings, supplies and equipment, club web page fees and any other extracurricular activity incidentals that may arise. Canadian Directors shall specify a minimum donation for their members consistent with the above.
The Retread Membership Card permits participation in any Retread activity in the world. Club regalia (such as patches, pins and decals) are also available to members, through their local representative at a reasonable fee.
International officers consist of an International President, Secretary, Legislative Officer, Referee (as required by the AMA) and a Board of Directors (consisting of 5 Americans and 1 Canadian). Local officers consist of Regional and Provincial Directors, as well as State Reps and Assistant State Reps.
To join, just ask any Retread member or, write to the International Retreads M.C. Inc., 528 N. Main St., Albany, IN. 47320-1115, USA. They will direct your interest to the Retread Representative in your area. Rhode Island membership and answers to any questions concerning the Retreads can be obtained by contacting:
Rhode Island State Representatives
Paul & Elaine Levin
E-mail: riretreadreps@riretreads.org